This is the project page of the project ACOSE - Algorithmic complexity of structural equivalence relations funded by a Marie Skłodowska Curie Global Fellowship under Horizon 2020 of the European Commission.
The goal of this project is to investigate the relationship between notions of complexity in computable structure theory and notions of complexity in descriptive set theory. The project consist of a two year outgoing phase at the University of California, Berkeley and a one year return phase at Technische Universität Wien.
- Principal Investigator: Dino Rossegger
- Supervision Outgoing phase: Antonio Montalbán
- Supervision Return phase: Ekaterina Fokina
- Recursive isomorphism and Turing equivalence through the effective descriptive set theory lens (Black board talk)
Generalized Computability theory 2024, Castro Urdiales, Spain, 22.08.24 - Algorithmic Aspects of Left-orderings of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups via their dynamical realizations, [ Slides ]
Computability in Europe, 11.07.2024 - Learning equivalence relations on Polish spaces (Black board talk)
Leeds Computability Days, University of Leeds, 02.07.2024 - The Borel complexity of first-order theories [ Slides ]
Logic Seminar, Ghent University, 06.03.2024 - The Borel complexity of first-order theories [ Slides | Video ]
Models of Peano Arithmetic seminar, City University of New York, 13.02.2024 - The Borel complexity of first-order theories [ Slides | Video ]
World Logic Day workshop, Nazarbayev University, 14.01.2024 - Structural complexity notions for foundational theories [ Slides ]
Logic Seminar, Kurt Gödel Research Center, 09.11.2023 - Structural complexity notions for foundational theories [ Slides ]
Pennstate Logic Seminar, 07.11.2023 - Learning equivalence relations [ Slides ]
Online Logic Seminar, 19.10.2023 - The strong degrees of categoricity above 0" [ Slides ]
Logic Seminar, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 18.04.2023 - The strong degrees of categoricity above 0" [ Slides ]
Logic Seminar, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 12.04.2023 - Pairs of Structures: Variations and Application [ Slides ]
Plenary Talk, ASL Annual Meeting 2023, UC Irvine, 28.03.2023 - The strong degrees of categoricity above 0" [ Slides ]
Logic Seminar, Iowa State University, 01.03.2023 - The Structural Complexity of Models of Arithmetic [ Slides ]
California State University, Northridge, 30.11.2022 - Analytic complete equivalence relations and their degree spectra [ Slides ]
Caltech Logic Seminar, 02.11.2022 - The degrees of categoricity above 0 double jump [ Slides ]
Logic Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, 07.10.2022 - The Structural Complexity of Models of Arithmetic [ Slides ]
ASL Logic Colloquium 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland, 01.07.2022 - The Structural Complexity of Models of Arithmetic [ Slides | Video ]
Models of Peano Arithmetic seminar, City University of New York, 03.05.2022 - The Structural Complexity of Models of Arithmetic [ Slides ]
Computability Special Session, ASL Annual Meeting at Cornell University 2022, 09.04.2022 - New Examples of Degrees of Categoricity [ Slides | Video ]
Computability Theory and Applications, 02.11.2021
- Learning Equivalence Relations on Polish Spaces
with Theodore Slaman, and Tomasz Steifer
The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2025) - Feferman's completeness theorem
with Fedor Pakhomov, and Michael Rathjen
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (2025) - Scott sentence complexities of linear orderings
with David Gonzalez
The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2024) - Degrees of categoricity and treeable degrees
with Barbara F. Csima
Journal of Mathematical Logic vol. 24 (03) , 2450002 (2024) - Hausdorff dimension and countable Borel equivalence relations
with Andrew Marks, and Theodore Slaman
submitted for publication (2024) - A Lopez-Escobar Theorem for Continuous Domains
with Nikolay Bazhenov, Ekaterina Fokina, Alexandra Soskova, and Stefan Vatev
The Journal of Symbolic Logic vol. First View (2024) - The Borel complexity of the class of models of first-order theories
with Uri Andrews, David Gonzalez, Steffen Lempp, and Hongyu Zhu
submitted for publication (2024) - Algorithmic Aspects of Left-Orderings of Solvable Baumslag–Solitar Groups via its Dynamical Realization
with Meng-Che “Turbo” Ho, and Khanh Le
Twenty Years of Theoretical and Practical Synergies, Computability in Europe, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 14773, 72-84 (2024) - Learning Families of Algebraic Structures from Text
with Nikolay Bazhenov, Ekaterina Fokina, Alexandra Soskova, and Stefan Vatev
Twenty Years of Theoretical and Practical Synergies, Computability in Europe, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 14773, 166-178 (2024) - The structural complexity of models of arithmetic
with Antonio Montalbán
The Journal of Symbolic Logic vol. First View (2023) - Degree spectra of analytic complete equivalence relations
The Journal of Symbolic Logic vol. 87 (4) , 1663-1676 (2022) - Relations enumerable from positive information
with Barbara F. Csima, and Luke MacLean
submitted for publication (2022)